Tuesday Night Men's Bible Study


Fall Bible Study 2023 - [ REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN ]

DATES: September 12 - December 5, 2023
TIME: 6:30-8:00pm Tuesday Nights
LOCATION: Event Center on the Shadow Mountain Main Campus (2100 Greenfield Dr.)
TOPIC: Romans: The Gospel of Grace

No need to register at this time. Just show up and check in at the Next Steps Table.
Looking forward to seeing you soon. 

What is the Tuesday Night Men's Bible Study?
The Tuesday Night Men’s Bible Study is essential to what we do in Men's Ministry. It is a group of over 450 men who gather weekly around round tables to worship, study God’s Word and discuss it together.

What Does a Typical Night Look Like?
The agenda is simple. We begin with a live worship time led by the talented Men’s Ministry Band. This is followed by a 20-minute message taught by one of our staff pastors. The message centers around the book or study guide selected for the season.

This is followed by 45 minutes of discussion time. The discussion questions are taken from the selected study guide. All men are encouraged to purchase a copy of the study guide and complete the corresponding chapter before attending.

The night ends with prayer and announcements. And as with all good men’s gatherings snacks and hot coffee are always provided.

Is the Bible Study Year Round?
There are currently 3 bible study seasons offered every year with short breaks in between. There is a spring, summer and fall study. The length of the studies range from 5-16 weeks long depending on the season.

What if I Can't Attend in Person?
We have an online option for you! It's a Bible study done online via zoom.  It's led by one of our great online leaders and they are studying the exact same material as the Tuesday Bible study. It takes place on Thursdays at 5:30pm PST. 

You can register for it here. (Make sure you select the Thursday 5:30pm option)

If you have any questions contact our online pastor Rod Gray.

Are There Any Other In-Person Bible Study Options?
Yes. There's a small Bible study called "Fellows" that meets on Thursday Mornings from 9:30 - 11am in Room 210 of the Generations Building. They are doing a study on prophecy and end times using the book, Escape the Coming Night by Pastor Jeremiah.