Small Groups
Why We Choose Small Groups:
We all want to do big things with our lives and big things for God. Often, we think that if we want to have a big influence, then we need to have a big audience. When we think about the life of Jesus, it’s obvious that He had a big impact on the world, and it’s easy to think about how big His audience must have been (so big He had to get in a boat so He could talk to all of them on the shore!). However, though He spoke to many people, Jesus really just focused on a few: His disciples. After He died, rose again, and returned to heaven, it was those few that wrote the gospels, preached the Good News, and established the Church. If Jesus had not invested focused time into those few, and focused on the masses instead, none of that would have happened! Where would we be now?
The best way to have a big impact is to think small and lead small.
“When you lead small you realize that what you can do for a few has more potential than what you do for many. When we lead small we simply make a choice to invest strategically in the lives of a few over time so we can help them build an authentic faith.” – Lead Small (19)
How We Define “Small Group”:
It’s Small!
o 5-15 students
o 2 adult leaders
It’s a Group!
o Same-sex
o Same grade
o Grouped by existing friendships
Our Small Groups Offer:
o An environment for every student to feel welcome.
o A community that is both fun and safe.
o Loving and caring relationships with fellow students and adult leaders
o Biblical guidance on how to seek, serve, and share Christ.
o A place to pray and be prayed for.
o Invitations for students to take their next step of faith.
o Opportunities for students to give their lives to Christ.
How to Sign Up for a Small Group
To get connected to one of our small groups, stop by our info table any Wednesday night. One of our staff will be there to collect your information and connect you to a small group.
What to Expect During Your First Night of Small Groups
After you sign up for a small group during our check-in time, our ministry gathers together at 6:30pm for a game, worship, and a message. After the message, we dismiss our small groups one by one to go to their individual meeting spaces. Some of our groups meet in the Gathering room and some meet in other rooms on the church campus. All of our groups will return to the Gathering room at 8:15pm for dismissal.
How to Become a Small Group Leader
If you’re interested in being a small group leader, email David Rojas at
If you’d like additional information about our small groups, email us here.