YTH SRV is our unique opportunity for students to use their gifts, talents, and abilities to serve in ministry. YTH SRV exists to provide connections, opportunities, and environments that will help you seek, serve, and share Christ. As a Shadow Youth Student Leader, you have the opportunity to work alongside our staff to help make Shadow Youth fun, welcoming, and excellent in every way. You will be challenged to grow in your leadership ability by serving at least once a month on one of our service teams: First Impressions Team,Tech Team, or Worship Band. We also hold monthly YTH SRV meetings where students can bond as a team and learn more about leadership (plus… free pizza!). Oh yeah, and did we mention it's a ton of fun? If you want to get involved in Shadow Youth and serve at a higher level, come check out this unique opportunity. To learn more information about this, please email Chase Eurich!

Our Service Teams

  1. First Impressions Team - If you love being friendly and talking to people, this team is for you! F.I.T. is our "welcome" team that helps make Shadow Youth a warm, friendly environment. We seek out new students and help them feel welcome. You will help with check-in, signs ups, giving directions, prepping and decorating for events.

  2. Tech Team - If you like to help with lights, sound, stage design, and tech of any kind, this team is for you! We get to run the soundboard, light board, computers, and set up for worship band.

  3. Worship Team - For those who love to use their musical gifts to praise God, we invite you to audition for Worship Band! You get to serve by helping lead worship - playing instruments and/or singing along with the band. You will attend worship band practices and get to learn from experienced worship leaders. Auditioning with your instrument is required before joining this team.

Get a YTH SRV Application here.

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